Hands On Advertising - When To Incorporate the Use of Hands

Hands are often overlooked in advertisements but they are an expressive component. Since the renaissance hands were popular in paintings to add expression to the art piece. Using hands in advertising can enhance the overall piece and sell your product.

Hand Models
Evidently there are times when a hand model is used. They have to hold the product so it can be viewed. It gives a more personal feel versus just having the product on display by itself. Hand models also help model bracelets, watches, jewelry and nail art.

Body Language
For body language there is special emphasis on hand motions. This is the placement of hands during a pose. Again the hand expression can enhance the overall advertisement.

Often to add expression to a photo models will use their hands. They use it to frame their faces in cosmetic advertisements. This pose is also used to show off nail art or fashion accessories.

Hands can imply actions. This can be as simple as reaching for an object. It can be a bit more complex such as implying a difficult dance motion. Either way the brain registers the implied movement and it enhances the overall advertisement.

To get the most out of your advertisement you need the right technology. LED light boxes are great for advertising. This innovative advertising technology comes in many styles including fabric display light boxes, acrylic display light boxes, snap frame light boxes and more.


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